Last updated on October 13, 2019
Meet Prince! Prince is a very sweet boy who is very outgoing and really loves affection. He was found stray and never reclaimed by his family. He is a Lab/ Pit bull mix, male, approx. 2 years old, and weighs about 75lbs. Prince loves big comfy beds, toys and interacting with staff and volunteers. We can not understand why this sweet boy has been with us 253 days! He is a Diamond Dog for over 8 months now. He does have a few doggy friends here at the shelter but we would suggest a meet and greet with other dogs in the home. Prince would do best with an active family that would be willing to take him on walks and give him plenty of play time. He is crate trained and could possibly be house trained rather quickly with a consistent schedule. His adoption fee is $75. Prince is neutered, up to date on his rabies vaccination as well as his boosters, microchipped and heartworm negative! Come by and meet Prince today!
Rockwall Adoptions is located at 1825 Airport Road, Rockwall, TX. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9 AM – 6 PM and Saturday 9 AM – 5 PM. For questions, please call 972-771-7750, ext. 2 or e-mail
Information via Rockwall Pets