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Studies show that The Rockwall Times is breaking news stories ahead of competition: A letter from the editor

Hello Rockwall,

I apologize that we’re having to meet for the first time in these conditions. But there is something that I have been letting lie and I just can’t anymore.

It has come to my attention that another local news source has been, for a lack of a better term, stalking content from The Rockwall Times. In 30 instances that we counted going back just 30 days, the same, if not identical, content has been posted on their website and Facebook page after it was posted on ours.

Now, a press release is a press release and no one “owns” the news. News is just that, news. News isn’t what it used to be either. The internet is home to a plethora of information. That is both a blessing and curse at times it seems.

I’m being a bit vague here though. Let me break this down for you as it applies to The Rockwall Times. In the 30 instances that were counted over the last 30 days:

I guess what I’m trying to say is this, The Rockwall Times is here to stay. We watch the competition, but we are not swayed by them. We will continue to bring you the news you care about. The Rockwall Times is here for you, the citizens, of Rockwall. We’re here to keep you informed, up-to-date and aware of everything going on around you in this wonderful little place we call home. The Rockwall Times appreciates your continued support.

Brittany N. Bottoms

UPDATE: Since the posting of this article, the competitor’s article which cited “Rockwall PR” has since been updated to reflect the correct source.

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