Meet Magnum. He is a black, 3 year old, male, Shepherd/Lab mix weighing approx 75lbs. He is a very shy guy at first but warms up and can be very playful. He will need a family that has the time and patience to work with him to become the best version of himself he can be. Magnum can be selective with certain dogs but does do well with submissive females and those that can match his energy level. He knows how to walk on a leash and he loves to roam around the yard. At this time, since he is pretty selective with friends and a very playful boy, a meet and greet is suggested with other dogs in the home. This sweet boy also loves stuffed animals and definitely prefers to be in the company of people. He can be a big baby if he feels alone and most of our guys who has been with us for a significant period of time can take a little bit of time in to readjust to life outside of the shelter. Magnum has been waiting for his FURever home for 246 DAYS. He is a Diamond Dog which means his adoption fee is reduced to $75. He is neutered, microchipped, up to date on his yearly vaccines and heartworm negative. Come meet Magnum today!
All animals unless otherwise noted in their descriptions are at 1825 Airport Road, Rockwall, TX. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9 AM – 6 PM and Saturday 9 AM – 5 PM. For questions, please call 972-771-7750, ext. 2 or e-mail
All animals, unless otherwise noted in their description, are at 1825 Airport Rd. in Rockwall, TX. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9 am to 6 pm and Saturdays 9 am to 5 pm.For questions, please call 972-771-7750 ext. 1 or email
Go see Magnum and all of the other available pets at