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Jones ES fifth and sixth graders spend their lunch reading in the library

Every Tuesday, fifth and sixth graders take their lunch to the Jones library to read and interact with students from other classes.  Both grades recently read The Last Kids on Earth, which is a book about school aged students who have to survive on their own after a zombie apocalypse hits their town. 

The main characters are funny and relatable to the students and while students are only supposed to read a few chapters a week, most have already finished the book!  They look forward to discussing it every week during lunch.

The book club also focuses on extension activities such as readers’ theater and strategy games that teach cooperation. Students learned how to play Forbidden Island where they have to work together to survive a zombie takeover and escape the island. 

This was the first time that many of them played a game where all the players either won or lost together.

Information and photo courtesy of Rockwall ISD

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