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Rowlett HS student arrested, charged with false alarm felony, evading arrest

Rowlett Police Department have made an arrest at Rowlett High School this morning after a student falsely pulled a fire alarm that resulted in a campus wide evacuation.

According to the release, the student responsible was immediately confronted by the School Resource Officers, and he ran from them.

“His drawers got caught up in the barb wire fence he tried to jump, and then he ran out of his shoes before trying to blend back into the student population standing outside,” according to the release.

Other students kept a respectable distance while officers took him into custody without further incident.

According to Rowlett PD, the student is charged with a felony for False Alarm as well as an evading arrest charge.

“The Rowlett Police Department will continue to have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior at our schools. It will never be ok to abuse a system that is in place to ensure the safety of our kids in the event of a real emergency,” according to the release. “Again, this was a false alarm and all your kiddos might be a tad colder but are safe.”

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