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AG Pax­ton announces bipar­ti­san, mul­ti­state inves­ti­ga­tion into JUUL’s mar­ket­ing practices

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that his office is leading a bipartisan, 39-state investigation into JUUL Labs, which manufactures and markets e-cigarettes. The multistate coalition of state attorneys general, led by Texas, launched the investigation in response to evidence that JUUL Labs misrepresented the health risks associated with its products and promoted them to children who are not of legal age to purchase tobacco products.  

The multistate investigation focuses on JUUL’s marketing and sales practices, including targeting underage users, claims about the nicotine content of its products, and statements regarding the risks, safety, and effectiveness as a smoking cessation device.   

“I am pleased to be working alongside other states to determine whether any of JUUL’s statements or business practices mislead or otherwise harmed consumers,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Protecting Texans from deceptive business practices is a high priority for my office, and I am committed to holding companies accountable for the quality, effects, and marketing of their products.”    

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control found that over five million middle and high school students used e-cigarettes in 2019, and almost one million used an e-cigarette daily. In December 2019, President Trump signed legislation to raise the federal minimum age of sale for tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, from 18 to 21 years.   

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