As COVID-19 continues to spread, additional measures to help control it have become necessary. On Monday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins and Rowlett Mayor Tammy Dana-Bashian amended their disaster declaration orders, which were only just set last Friday. As you already know, we have closed the Rowlett Community Centre, Rowlett Public Library and Kids Kingdom to the public, and suspended City-run recreational programs and sports leagues. Rowlett Presiding Judge Pam Liston directed all municipal court dockets to be deferred until April 3 at the recommendation of the Texas Office of Court Administration.
At last night’s City Council meeting, the following additional measures were added and are in effect while we are under a Disaster Declaration:
• Utility disconnects for non-payment are suspended.
• Late fees on water bills are suspended.
• Library fines are suspended.
• Code Enforcement will still provide notices, but citations are suspended.
• Classes, tours and other non-essential gatherings at the Police Department and Fire Stations are suspended.
• Playgrounds other than Kids Kingdom remain open at this time.
• Parks remain open at this time, but port-a-potties will be removed due to the lack of hand-washing stations. Permanent restroom facilities will remain open.
In addition,
• Non-essential City events scheduled through April 30 are canceled or postponed (each event will be separately evaluated to determine if it will be postponed or canceled).
• City Council, Planning & Zoning, Board of Adjustments and Economic Development Advisory Board will still meet on their regular schedule. All other Boards & Commission meetings have been postponed, but have been empowered to establish smaller sub-committees to continue work on time-sensitive items.
Of note: Governor Greg Abbott has suspended certain parts of the open meetings act and is encouraging local government to use teleconferencing for such meetings. Staff is evaluating options for how best to enact those provisions.
Based on how fluid and dynamic this situation is, the Rowlett City Council will meet again Friday, March 20 at 9:00am regarding an extension to the current Disaster Declaration (which expires at 11AM Friday).
Given the fluidity of this situation, we so appreciate the outpouring of support from our Rowlett community. Please remember to be kind to each other and to check on the senior and/at risk folks in your life and in your neighborhood. We’ve said it before but it bears repeating: we will get through this together. We’ve been through difficult times before here in Rowlett and it absolutely brings out the best in us.