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Garland City Council orders shelter in place, postpones election

The Garland City Council met in special session March 23 to issue a shelter in place order through midnight April 7. People must stay at home for all but essential work and shopping in an attempt to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the community. The Council adopted a list of types of essential business, however, it also created a committee to respond to appeals and further refine the list.

Also as adopted by Council, persons within the household of anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 are ordered to remain in isolation.

The Garland City Council also postponed its general election six months to Nov. 3 to keep voters from gathering during a time of concern over the spread of COVID-19.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on March 18 authorized those holding May 2 elections to postpone their election to Nov. 3.

“I strongly encourage local election officials to take advantage of these waivers and postpone their elections until November,” Gov. Abbott said. “Right now, the state’s focus is responding to COVID-19 – including social distancing and avoiding large gatherings. By delaying this election, our local election officials can assist in that effort.”

Garland voters will decide representatives for Council Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5. They’ll also consider a proposal to repurpose park land at 3925 W. Walnut St. as the new site for the Walnut Creek Branch Library.

Candidate filings for the election remain valid with no additional filing period. Applications for mail-in ballots are still valid for those over 65 and those voting by mail due to disability. The voter registration deadline for the election is extended to Oct. 5. Early voting will be Oct. 19-30.

Garland offers an information line, 972-205-3900, to help connect residents to health resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Call your primary care physician first for medical and testing advice.

Council also heard a staff presentation that stated the city is not disconnecting electric or water service for late or lack of utility bill payment. However, customers should call Utility Customer Service at 972-205-2671 or to discuss their situation. Please include the service address and account number in any correspondence.

For the latest updates on COVID-19, additional information and resources, go to

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