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Dallas County Judge Jenkins’ Statement on Elective Procedures

Message from Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins

“Governor Abbott issued an Order indicating that elective surgeries and medical procedures could be resumed in Texas as early as April 22. Because of my responsibility for the safety of Dallas Countyresidents, I urge continued caution. Here’s why:

I have, again, looked to the experts, the science, and the data. In this case, that includes recent guidelines and principles on when to resume elective medical procedures recently set forth by several national hospital associations and professional societies –the American Hospital Association, the American College of Surgeons, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, and the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, as well as by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

These comprehensive and thoughtful joint guidelines provide a roadmap for patients to have elective surgeries and procedures as soon as safely possible. I encourage all hospitals, healthcare systems, ambulatory surgical centers, physicians, and other licensed health care facilities in Dallas County to consult and adopt these joint recommendations as they move toward resuming elective surgeries and procedures. Such a carefully planned and phased approach will best ensure patient, provider, and public safety.

I am forever grateful for our local hospitals, nurses, doctors and our many healthcare heroes. They are doing amazing work each and every day to combat this deadly virus. Let’s continue working to keep ourselves and one another safe by following these recommended guidelines. Every life in Dallas County is precious and worthy of protection.”

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