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Garland updates case numbers, modifies city services to protect residents, employees

As of 2 p.m. April 2, the Garland Health Department (GHD) has received reports of 62 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Garland residents, as well as two deaths. Five Garland cases have recovered, meaning at least seven days have passed since symptom onset and the patient has been fever free with respiratory symptom improvement for 72 hours without medication. The City will update our posted case numbers each afternoon after 2 p.m. Check the Dallas County website for county-wide updates.

During a special meeting today of the Garland City Council, City Manager Bryan Bradford recommended additional restrictions on City operations and services to further protect residents and employees from the spread of COVID-19.

Essential services such as police, fire and health will continue to be fully operational to meet public safety needs in a timely manner. Environmental Waste Services will continue trash, recycling and brush pickup according to their normal schedule.

City utilities will continue critical infrastructure maintenance and repair operations. Street Department crews will focus on urgent road repair and patching operations to maintain street safety, but routine services and other infrastructure will be postponed.

Building Inspection and Code Compliance inspectors will respond to critical life, health and safety issues only.

The City Marshal’s Office will assist the Police Department with monitoring the security of temporarily closed business areas, suspending routine Neighborhood Parking Enforcement activities.

These changes are in effect until April 30. During this time, response to non-emergency requests might be slower than normal.

Utility and Tax payments will be accepted via the Drive Thru Payment Center at 717 W. State St. (at West State Street and North Glenbrook Drive) from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Other utility payment options are also available.

While most City facilities are now closed to the public, City departments can still be reached by phone or email. Visit the City website for contact information.

The full City Council discussion is available on the City’s website.

For the latest updates on COVID-19, additional information and resources, go to

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