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Rockwall ISD announces 2020 District Teachers of the Year

Lyon ES and Cain MS teachers take top honors

Rockwall ISD is proud to announce the 2020 Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year: Stacey Hawkins from Lyon Elementary and Sarah Napier from Cain Middle School.

Thank you to our sponsors Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle P.C, Northstar Builders Group, Toyota of Rockwall, Rockwall Breakfast Rotary Club, EMA, Farmers Electric Cooperative, Huckabee, Lone Star Furnishings, Rockwall ISD Education Foundation, SSC Service Solutions, Stantec and.

Each year, the district participates in the Teacher of the Year program by the Texas Association of School Administrators. This program begins at the district level with the opportunity to honor one educator from each Rockwall ISD campus for his or her ability to inspire students in innovative and creative ways. A selection committee then chooses the two winners after spending time in each classroom and interviewing each teacher.

This year’s selection committee was Doug Frank, Secondary ELA/LOTE Coordinator; Megan Humphrey, Elementary Math Coordinator, Grades K-6; Sarah Weaks, Rockwall ISD 2019 Elementary Teacher of the Year; Kyle Gilpin, Rockwall ISD 2019 Secondary Teacher of the Year; Renae Murphy, Chief Communications Officer for Rockwall ISD and Gary Piepenburg, Representative of Rockwall Breakfast Rotary.

Congratulations to Stacey Hawkins and Sarah Napier and good luck at the Teacher of the Year regional competition.

Click to view a video of the event.

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