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Study: CBD products marketed toward pets suffer from quality control issues

The percentage of CBD available in commercially marketed pet products is often inconsistent with what is advertised on the products’ labels, according to data published in the journal Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports.

Investigators affiliated with Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine analyzed 29 commercially available CBD/hemp products marketed toward dog owners.

While all of the products contained levels of THC below federal limits (0.3 percent), most products (65 percent) contained percentages of CBD that conflicted with the product’s labeling. Two of the products tested contained no cannabinoids.

Researchers also reported that four products contained heavy metal contamination, with lead being the most prominent contaminant identified. Most manufacturers failed to fulfill researchers’ request for paperwork authenticating the sourcing of the hemp plants used in their products.

They concluded: “In summary, until further guidelines can be defined by the FDA, state specific laws, Federal Trade Commission and the USDA, there is a need for intervention by veterinarians and technicians into this ever-expanding world of low-THC Cannabis sativa supplements. … The range and variability of products in the veterinary market is alarming and veterinary professionals should only consider manufacturers providing product safety data in the form of a COA (certificate of analysis), pharmacokinetic, and clinical application data when clients solicit information regarding product selection.”

Third-party analysis of commercially available CBD products marketed for human consumption have similarly reported inconsistencies in product quality and purity.

Cannabinoid, terpene, and heavy metal analysis of 29 over-the-counter commercial veterinary hemp supplements,Full text of the study, “Cannabinoid, terpene, and heavy metal analysis of 29 over-the-counter commercial veterinary hemp supplements,” appears in Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports. Additional information is available in the NORML fact-sheet ‘FAQs About Cannabidiol.’

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