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In-Sync Exotics takes in nine new tigers

Wylie, TX – In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center has been the go-to sanctuary when it comes to rescuing big cats for decades. So when they got the call to rescue nine tigers that had been used in circuses and entertainment, the answer was a resounding “Yes!”.

The nine tigers, seven female and two male, arrived on Monday, February 28th, and were voluntarily donated by Doug Terranova to the North Texas Sanctuary. Prior to their surrender, they were all involved in the entertainment industry including TV and film appearances, photoshoots, and circus performances. It is believed that all of the tigers are in good health but they will undergo checkups from In-Sync’s veterinarian Dr. Cameron Ratliff and team.

In-Sync’s annual budget of over $1.2 million each year includes not only food, veterinary care, facility maintenance, staff salaries, utilities, etc., but also a budget for a few new additions to the sanctuary each year. A statement from In-Sync’s Founder and President, Vicky Keahey, said “We’re very grateful to be able to give these nine tigers their forever home. But it’s not often we get this many cats in at once, and with winter being our leanest months for donations already, this is more of a stretch than we expected.”

In addition to the increased food budget, the new arrivals will all need to be spayed or neutered which will cost the sanctuary an additional $20,000. The sanctuary’s funding is solely dependent on the generosity of their donors – from private donations, corporate sponsors, and grants, and every donation, no matter how small or how large, goes directly to care for the cats.

For more information about In-Sync Exotics, visit their Facebook page.

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